Welcome to
Kathmandu University

Information System Management Section

About Us


Information System Management Section (ISMS) at Kathmandu University explores and implements appropriate uses of technology to support programs in instruction, research and creative activities, economic development and service. ISMS provides local and remote access to university resources, programs and services, maintains and works to improve university administrative functions, including student information, human resource, and financial systems. Our university is keen in implementation of technology programs and services, and position as a near follower in adopting new trends and capabilities.


Change is a constant during the planning horizon. The Information Technology industry is extremely volatile, and the needs and expectations of our constituents continue to grow dramatically. This planning process has identified major trends and directions, and seeks to guide change within our institution to effectively develop, monitor, evaluate, implement, and implement appropriate policies, resources, and services to strengthen teaching, research, service, and outreach activities.


KU strives to use technology as a tool to enhance and empower faculty and students and improve service to our community. Significant resources are devoted to technology and we must manage and coordinate projects and services to obtain the most from these investments.

Kathmandu University Information System Management Section is dedicated to:

  • Improve the use of technology to support teaching and learning.
  • Improve access to information.
  • Improve infrastructure and increase connectivity.
  • Maximize benefits of investments in technology.
  • Improve effectiveness of KU Information Technology operations.


Server/Web Hosting

ISMS hosts a number of servers and websites for schools, departments, units associated with the University.

IP/Domain Registration

We provide IP and Domain registration services for provided or self-hosted server resources within the University.

Email Services

We provide email services for staff/faculty/others (@ku.edu.np) and students (@student.ku.edu.np).

Internet Services

ISMS provides internet services to staff/faculty/students/guests in office, residence in university premises and School of Law.

Training & Guidelines

We provide timely and on demand trainings and guidelines on various applications/systems and technological awareness.

Support & Maintenance

We provide round-the-clock onsite and remote support and maintenance on all IT related issues to our staff/faculty/students/guests.


Total Servers


GB Total Storage


Mbps International Bandwidth


Staff Personnels

Request an Email

Staff, Faculty, Units, Research Sections can fill up an application form and submit to ISMS office to get Kathmandu University's "@ku.edu.np" domain Email Account.


We are a team of 5 personnel currently working at Information System Management Section.

Vijay Kumar Shrestha

Technical Manager

Nirajan Pant

Technical Officer

Rajesh Shrestha

Technician (System & Network Admin)

Shambhu Pandit

Foreman (Support & Maintenance)

Downloads & Resources

Intercom Directory

Please sign-in into your browser with Kathmandu University's Email Account to view the Intercom/Mobile numbers currently being used in the University

View Directory

ISMS Factsheet

The annual report contains information about the section such as it's introduction, total number of resources, history of connectivity, types of services provided and many more.

Download Document

ISMS IT Policy

The use polices under ISMS has been drafted to serve as a single guidelines for providing services to students, staff/faculty, research personnels and residents inside the university premises.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Information System Management Section (ISMS) currently provides different IT related services and facilities in Kathmandu University like Internet, Email, Server Hosting, Software/Web Hosting, Consultation, Trainings, Support and Maintenance.

  • For Staff/Faculty/Office/Projects/Clubs (@ku.edu.np):
    Based on our current Email Policy, you need to submit an email application form signed by related head of the department/unit. The application form is available in our website.

    For Students (@student.ku.edu.np):
    Students can also submit an application form to get an email account on demand. Hoewever, we have also started to provide KU Student email accounts on bulk as soon as students are admitted in the university by verification from related School without students requiring to fill up any application.

  • Based on our current Email Policy, Faculty/Staff or Students, all get access to their provided Email Account as long as you are associated to the university as staff/faculty or students.

  • For Staff/Faculty in Office:
    Once you are situated in your office with your provided workstation or laptop, we will register your required devices into university's network for internet connectivity.

    For Staff/Faculty in Residence:
    Once you are situated in your university's residence with your personal devices (Laptop or wireless router), we will register your required devices into university's network for internet connectivity.

    For Students in Residence:
    Once you are situated in your university's residence with your personal devices (Laptop or wireless router), contact your hostel's IT Support personnel and they will help you register your devices for internet connectivity.

    For Students/Guests/Others in University Premises:
    There are many wireless access-points located through-out the university premises providing unlimited free internet for Students and Guests.

  • We are currently using Google's Email Services for our email system. You can login with the provided Email account in the Gmail (https://mail.google.com) platform.

  • Eduroam is educational roaming network for internet access. We are currently testing it's functions and have not officially started providing its services. However, Guests from external institutions with eduroam account can login into our system for wireless internet.
    Go to the official website https://eduroam.org to learn more.